r draft

Write your first newscast publication here! After you have a final draft, copy, paste, and publish your newscast on your blog with a creative title. If you do not finish this assignment in class on Friday, then it is your homework over the weekend!

August 31st there was a sub in 8th grade Science class. A student began acting up. She got in trouble  and was kik out of class. later my teachers ask me wat happen . The student said there a lot going on.  She ask , “Can I get a piece of paper so I can write it down.”  The assistant said “yes.”  She said ,”tell me everything.”  The student said, “ok I got angry.” and I walk out of class then I walk back in so the police offers was in the class room so he ask me wats going on I said nothing then he walk me down  to the office so I seat down and  I got in trouble so my mom come to the school in she was mad at the teachers so my mom took me  home.



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